Development of Li-Coated NiO Catalyst for Enhanced Alkaline Oxygen Evolution Reaction
Hyeongwon Jeong, Dohun Kim, Bo-Ram Won, Yo Han Kim, Hyejin Jeon, Yeeun Kim, Somi Lee, Dayoung Park, and Jae-ha Myung*, International Journal of Energy Research, 4906357
Optimizing Reversible Exsolution and Phase Transformation in Double Perovskite Sr2Fe1.5-xCoxMo0.5O6-δ Electrodes for High-Performance Symmetric Solid Oxide Cells
Hyejin Jeon, Yo Han Kim, Hyeonggeun Kim, Hyeongwon Jeong, Bo-Ram Won, Wonjun Jang, Chan-ho Park, Kang Taek Lee*and Jae-ha Myung*, small 20 (52), 2401628, Inside Back Cover
Harnessing Strong Metal–Support Interaction to Proliferate the Dry Reforming of Methane Performance by In Situ Reduction
Ok Sung Jeon, Hyesung Lee, Kug-Seung Lee, Vinod K Paidi, Yunseong Ji, Oh Chan Kwon, Jeong Pil Kim, Jae-Ha Myung, Sang Yoon Park, Young Joon Yoo, Jin Goo Lee*, Sang-Yup Lee* and Yong Gun Shul*, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (10), 12140-12148
Determination of the rate-determining step of the oxygen reduction reaction of La0. 8Sr0. 2MnO3 (LSM)-8mol% yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ): Composition and microstructure
Eunseo Lee#, Hyeongwon Jeong#, Tae Ho Shin and Jae-ha Myung*, Ceramics International 47 (2), 1792-1797
Oxidation behavior of (Mo1-xWx)Si2 high-temperature heating elements
Sung-Chul Lee, Jae-ha Myung, Yong-Nam Kim, Minseok Jeon, Dong-Won Lee, Jong-Min Oh and Bae-Yeon Kim, Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology 30 (5), 200-207
La7Ca0.3Ni0.75Cu0.25O4‐δ‐Layered Perovskite as Cathode on La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Mg0.2O3 or Ce0.8Gd0.2O2 Electrolyte for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Jae-ha Myung#, Taeho Shin#, Xiubing Huang, Cristian Savaniu, and John T.S. Irvine*, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 13 (2), 269–273
Structural and electrochemical characterization of K2NiF4 type layered perovskite as cathode for SOFCs
Jae-ha Myung, Youn-Woo Hong, Mi Jai Lee, Dae-Woo Jeon, Young-Jin Lee, Jonghee Hwang, Tae Ho Shin and Jong Hoo Paik, Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology 25(3), 116-120
Nano-composite structural Ni-Sn alloy anode for high performance and durability of direct methane-fueled SOFCs
Jae-ha Myung, Sun-Dong Kim, Tae Ho Shin, Daehee Lee and John T.S. Irvine*, Jooho Moon* and Sang-Hoon Hyun*, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3, 13801-13806
Optimization of Ni–zirconia based anode support for robust and high-performance 5 × 5 cm2 sized SOFC via tape-casting/co-firing technique and nano-structured anode
Jae-ha Myung, Taeho shin, Sun-Dong Kim, Hae-Gu Park and Jooho Moon*, Sang-Hoon Hyun*, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 40 (6) 2792-2799
Synthesis and Evaluation of (La0.6Sr0.4)(Co0.2Fe0.8)O3 (LSCF) – Y0.16Zr0.92O1.96 (YSZ) – Gd0.1Ce0.9O2-δ (GDC) Dual Composite SOFC Cathodes for High Performance and Durability
Hyun Jun Ko, Jae-ha Myung, Ji-Hwan Lee, Sang-Hoon Hyun and Jong Shik Chung, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37 (22), 17209-17216